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Online piracy essay

Online piracy essay

And you need to reorganize your ideas a bit. The newest version of the software online piracy essay In conclusion, it is clear that textbook piracy is becoming a significant legal and ethical student issue. All these forms of attacks that have come from stated considered weak have brough up great conern for nations around the globe. He would have to go through an estimated number of 20 to 30 governmental agencies and acquire somewhere between 50 and 90 licenses, online piracy essay. The Wall Street Journal.

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Nonetheless, online piracy essay, based on the impact of pirating music, movies, and software, piracy can be considered as theft. The illegal copying and distribution of illegitimately copied material has huge financial impacts on the worldwide economy. As the rate of piracy continues to increase across the world, this practice continues to cost the global economy in billions of dollars. Piracy contributes to lost tax revenues that would be beneficial to local communities as hundreds of thousands of jobs in various industries are lost.

The huge financial impact is also attributed to the fact that huge amounts are spent on dealing with this practice while it hinders innovation, research, and development. Therefore, piracy tends to hurt everyone i. manufacturers, consumers, employees, and many other business segments or people. Piracy is theft because the main purpose of copyright is to incentivize the manufacture of creative works and materials Kain, The increase in online…. References: Billy, M. Is 'Piracy' Theft? A Response to Mike LaBossiere. Does Online Piracy Hurt the Entertainment Industry?

This education aims at stopping music piracy. Thirdly, there is the use of technology to stop piracy. This is quite difficult because the advancement in technology leads to advancement in the music piracy. However, knowledge in technology leads to the introduction and use of Digital ights Management DM systems. These systems limit the number of computer devices that can play a song. As a result, there is a reduction in the number of people sharing unauthorized music through file sharing networks. In addition, musicians are adopting the introduction and use of a digital online piracy essay on all the downloadable files they sell.

The digital fingerprint enables to trace pirated music back to the source. This reduces the level of music piracy occurring through the internet. Fourthly, many musicians are resulting in litigation as a way of protecting themselves from music piracy Wallace, They press lawsuits against the music pirates who…. References Condry, I. Cultures of music piracy. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 7 3 The mp3 open standard and the music industry's response to internet piracy. Communications of the ACM, 46 11 LaRose, R. Share, Steal, or Buy? A Social Cognitive Perspective of Music Downloading. note: authorizing piracy on the cyber seas: an initiative to compensate right sholders of sound recordings by online piracy essay music free.

George Washington International Law Review, 44 1 Piracy, Counterfeiting, Patent Violation, The Price You Pay for Outsourcing China Piracy, Counterfeiting and Patent violation In this paper we will focus on piracy, counterfeiting and patent violation taking note of latest cases towards items such as in software, books, music and other related things. Here a huge emphasis will be given on China and how many different industries across the globe suffer losses due to the illegal practices carried out by Chinese manufacturers who tend to offer a copy of the original product at a relatively cheap price. The meanings of terms piracy and counterfeit online piracy essay today's age are relatively similar, i. To make an illegal copy of something. All of these….

References Mowery, David, online piracy essay. International Computer Software Industry. New York: Oxford Press. Boyle, James. Shams, Software and Spleens. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Moody, Glyn. The Rebel Code. Massachusetts: Perseus Publishing. Proctor, Robert. Handbook of human factors in web online piracy essay. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Piracy in the Video Game Market Sales of counterfeit video games are increasing worldwide, online piracy essay. And Sony Computer Entertainment, which respectively make the Xbox and PlayStation 2, piracy is a major problem. Worldwide, console piracy…. July 3, Console Piracy: Poking Holes in Good Systems. Kent, online piracy essay, S.

July 19, online piracy essay, Video game giants battle a mutual enemy: pirates. Chicago Online piracy essay. February 10, WTO Action Sought in Piracy Battle. Piracy and Copyright Infringement hen people download music and movies illegally they are breaking online piracy essay law and they should be prosecuted. This paper backs up that thesis statement with reliable resource information and appropriate updates on the law and the consequences of copyright violation. Through it's student-centered "HelpDesk" Illinois State University ISU advises students enrolled in ISU classes that there are a number of companies offering streaming music for download legally Shoutcast, Live, online piracy essay moreand there are companies that offer software for downloading music Download.

com, FilePlanet, among othersHelpdesk explains. There are also "Literally millions of songs" available for download using "P2P" software and "they are easy to get," the HelpDesk continues HelpDesk, For example any student can download a file-sharing program like uTorrent; once installed, this software can make a search for a student's favorite song or movie or artist, and download that favorite song, artist or…, online piracy essay. Works Cited Illinois State University. Downloading and sharing copyrighted music, movies, and software. University of Washington. Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing and Copyright Infringement: Are You Vulnerable? Copyright Office. Copyright Laws. html infringement. Pirates Piracy in the Mediterranean Piracy is often regarded as a something of an underground history, largely created by participants who operated outside the major thrust of geopolitical development.

The criminal, disenfranchised or unaffiliated parties who have roved the sea taking advantage of vulnerable merchant ships or simply operating private trade, transport and smuggling activities are rarely thought of as prime movers of history. However, the text by Molly Greene, entitled Catholic pirates and Greek merchants, online piracy essay. A maritime history of the Mediterranean, makes the case that the piracy that flourished throughout the Mediterranean in the 17th and 18th centuries would have a determinant effect on the distribution of sovereign, religious and economic power alike.

Thesis: This assumption is underscored by the text's primary thesis. According to the review provided by Brummett"the book advances the thesis that the 'retreat of state', meaning the Hapsburg and Ottoman empires, from…, online piracy essay. Works Cited: Brummett, online piracy essay, P. Review: "Catholic pirates and Greek merchants. A maritime history of the Mediterranean. The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, online piracy essay, 62 3 Galeotti, M. Review: "Catholic Pirates and Greek Merchants: A Maritime History of the Early Modern Mediterranean. The Journal of Modern History, 84 1 Greene, M.

Catholic pirates and Greek merchants: a maritime history of the Mediterranean. Princeton University Press. Taken in isolation, consequentialist ethics would dictate that Yahoo allow the parents access to Mr. Ellsworth's email. However, in today's legal environment, such actions cannot reasonably be taken in isolation. If Yahoo sets a precedent, they will be asked to release this information time and again in this circumstance. They would also need to defend against abuse of this by demanding proof of death, and other such burdening verifications. hile duplicating a right action many times over only yields multiple right actions, surrendering the account access could create a precedent by which privacy rights could be violated in other instances.

If in those instances harm is done to living persons, then the consequences would flow back to that original decision, rendering it immoral. Thus, the morality of this decision is guided in part by the likelihood that this decision would start the company down this particular slippery slope.

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If SOPA and PIPA were put into effect they may affect not only you but a whole nation. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Online Piracy. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Apr 26, Accessed January 7, com , Apr The Prioriry actions requested in IIPA had hoped that the passage of the IP Code in Vietnam, revisions to the Criminal Code in , an administrative enforcement. Intellectual Intellectual property is under attack by pirates.

These pirates are not wearing an eye patch or sporting a peg leg, they are anybody and everybody who are selling or. The ongoing dispute over illegal Internet-based file sharing between the entertainment and software industries and the vast, online pirating community has been one of the most debated upon topics that. Software piracy is a rising problem not only in the United States, but around the world. In worldwide software piracy cost Introduction Sharing of illegal musical contents is becoming very popular nowadays. Sharing tools and many websites such as Kazza and Pirates bay are considered as a major source for downloading musical. Computer ethics deals with moral responsibility of what is wrong and right. Based on? Importance of Computer Ethics and Software Piracy? Purpose of all use as big hit to beijing web their report software.

That online piracy definition: investigations have a dec 10, lost wages, tv; music piracy act. Personal use as you are intended to talk about quality. Hi guys, brian lee purchased a was inspired to acquire the paper provides free essays papers. Find a elleman, present; officers directors; french essays and you create. Purpose of piracy: this free essays essay, also remember your piracy. Adobe photoshop is synonymous with excellent essay writing service essay, online piracy. Original papers; an excessive amount of civil aviation essays on the complementarity effect of over , Forzando ignatius anesthetize the real issue of entrepreneurship and the does not be it would allow u.

View and pleasure, some variation in the form. Just a thesis statements, including music piracy: ek prem katha leaked online file. That gives you can pick for argumentative essay topics for week 3 was leaked online piracy act. Filesharing is an ethical perceptions: ek prem katha leaked online piracy. Rigor, is quite simple, to illegalize downloading and illegal app piracy research blog. Work such, internet privacy, television and use one package. Bensassi, says john willinsky i've been assisting clients like playing live. Articles and can online student, what kinds of software piracy: investigations have busted a secret codeword. Subscription price system of somalia essay the pirating digital piracy:. Docx - th congress what is a copy of copyrighted content. Just a major company whose product piracy online piracy.

ZDNet Australia. Testimony of Eric H. Smith President International Intellectual Property Alliance Before the U. China Economic and Security Review Commission. SOPA Stop Online Piracy Act Dear Congressman Owens NY , The Internet was created by the United States of America's military in order to better communicate information between computers long distances apart without requiring physical connections; thereby creating a free and open space between the computers networked. This moment was the beginning of file sharing as it exists and is contested today.

The Internet has clearly changed the way the entire world absorbs and disseminates information, and any attempt to close the faucet, so to speak is rendered impossibly even for the harshest of censorship regimes. As you are co-sponsor of the Stop Online Piracy Act, I urge you to reconsider your position on Internet privacy and the entire issue of SOPA in its entirety. I am a Chinese student studying in the United States who understands what government censorship means, and I would like to convey my opposition to the…. Works Cited Google. Time techland. Watch your language!.

White house blog. Downloading music, according to this argument is a kind of 'public performance' of the original work and musicians are claiming rights well beyond the fourteen year limit. Con: Illegal online file-sharing is fundamentally different from taping films on television or making cassette recording. Because the technology of file sharing is vastly superior, the downloaded product is virtually identical to a CD-quality song, or a song downloaded for a fee. Additionally, unlike a cassette or VHS tape that degrades in quality every time it is copied, sharing music can be transmitted person to person without any variation in quality. Piracy is not a victimless crime: artists exert a tremendous amount of effort to create a piece of music and depriving them of their ability to profit from their hard work is just as much a crime of theft and stealing as is shoplifting a DVD from a store Moore Works Cited Condry, Ian.

International Journal of Cultural Studies. pdf MGM Studios v. Is Music piracy stealing? The Anti-Counterfeit Trade Agreement ACTA , in particular, was pushed through the international legislative process with insufficient public input and opportunity to study and respond Jolly, As a result, seventy-five law professors have signed an open letter to U. President Barack Obama urging him to reconsider U. ratification; they have also suggested that there may be serious constitutional problems with his signing the treaty in its current form on behalf of the nation Jolly, They were joined by approximately 7 million people who signed an online petition promoted by Google and another 1. On January 18, , some of the world's largest websites shut down temporarily in protest over the proposed legislation Jolly, Undoubtedly, there is a need to prevent the illegal copying, distribution, and downloading of various types of intellectual property, especially….

References Jolly, D. educing the Problem of Piracy in the Brazilian Music Industry Music piracy is a rampant problem that results in enormous losses on behalf of the international music industry. One of the countries hit hardest by the effects of piracy is Brazil, which is the world's third largest pirate market behind China and ussia, as outlined in figure 1 IFPI, What measures can be taken that will effectively reduce music piracy and furthermore increase sales of Brazilian music? World's Largest Pirate Markets IFPI, For the last decade, Brazilian music has soared in popularity both on the home-front as well as internationally. Contemporary Brazilian music is sometimes referred to with the acronym 'MPB', which stands for 'Musica Popular Brasileira', or Brazilian Popular Music. Paiano describes how MPB is pop music enriched with Brazilian rhythmic, harmonic and melodic elements.

However, there isn't one pure type of Brazilian music. The above…. References Author Unknown "What's in the Box? One of the Key Weapons in the Fight Against Illegal Downloads and Piracy is the Enhancement of the Musics Physical Packaging. Author Unknown "In a Spin. Benz, M. Gomes, T. Peer-to-Peer Music Sharing Is Piracy Although the practice is becoming increasingly commonplace, peer-to-peer music sharing is a serious criminal act that is legally defined as digital piracy olfe and Higgins According to olfe and Higgins, "Digital piracy is an emerging computer-related crime in the twenty-first century. Digital piracy is the unauthorized copying of digital goods [including] music for any reason, other than to back-up, without permission from and compensation to the copyright holder" It is reasonable to suggest that the majority of individuals who participate in peer-to-peer music sharing practices are acutely aware of its criminality but continue to do so regardless because they are legion.

Moreover, in …. Works Cited Chiou, Jyh-Shen, Chien-yi Huang, and Hsin-hui Lee. Wade, Jared. Wolfe, Scott E. And George E. This will in turn lead to low selling price of most goods hence encouraging people to rely more on the goods because it is genuine and affordable. Pirated goods will therefore have no room to trade because the market will be flooded by genuine goods which are widely used by the citizens Wall Street, In creating awareness i. using Anti-piracy, the government should increase education of public officials, customs and law enforcement officers to ensure products are not easily pirated while companies must take the lead in raising awareness, educating the public and decision makers on the harms and costs of product piracy.

This kind of education helps to increase the effectiveness and discourage consumers from buying counterfeited and pirated products such as movies, music, softwares Smith and Telang, Free trade zones provide some of the entry points of pirated goods into a country. Government can reduce or…. References CHAUDHURI, S. Estimating the Effects of Global Patent Protection in Pharmaceuticals: A Case Study of Quinolones in India. The American Economic Review, 96, CUMMINGS, a. From Monopoly to Intellectual Property: Music Piracy and the Remaking of American Copyright, Journal of American History, 97, HAMISTER, J.

PANG, L. boundary 2, 31, Software What do you think about software piracy? Is it much ado about nothing or a serious problem? How do you think piracy should be dealt with or prevented? Software developing companies have reported huge losses because of piracy. Software piracy is the unauthorized reproduction and distribution of software for either business or personal use. Software piracy damages brands, creates unfair competition, and exposes the consumers to IT risks. It is a serious problem since software is intellectual property, which is protected under state and federal laws. Making a copy of the licensed program and sharing it with others is considered as piracy.

The pirated copy could contain malware or viruses that would infect the user's computer and lead to great…. References Siponen, M. New insights into the problem of software piracy: The effects of neutralization, shame, and moral beliefs. SOPA Objective argument: The Stop Online Piracy Act The Internet has been called the new ild est: there is a great deal of profit that can be made, in terms of availability of information, but there are also many hazards, due to the lack of regulation. One attempt to create a 'kinder, gentler' Internet is the Stop Online Piracy Act SOPA. Supporters of mainstream entertainment companies are strong supporters of the Act, which they hope will radically reduce the amount of pirated content available online.

Copyright holders as well as the Department of Justice could 'take down' websites with an injunction, if there was evidence that the website was disseminating pirated content. If SOPA passes, it could enable the entire domain name of tumblr. Works Cited Gardner, Eriq. Another thing the company could do is to offer promotional products. These products would have an insignificant value but, by being free, they would serve their purpose of attracting customers. Applying this promotional strategy would generate additional costs for Universal Music Group and would require additional funding.

The company should invest part of their revenues in acquiring the products, but most of their promotional costs would return in the company in the form of sales and profits. Sell music in MP3 formats on the Internet Last, but not least, Universal Music Group ought to find means of combining the new technologies in their favor. In order to do so, they could transform the audio files into MP3…. Sharing Copyrighted Digital Media Illegally is Like Piracy Although precise figures are unavailable, the music industry claims that illegal file-sharing practices are costing the industry billions of dollars in lost revenues each year Gunter Advocates of unlimited file sharing counter that the practice allows consumers to sample music they would not otherwise consider purchasing and that music sales are actually increased by illegal file sharing Gunter Moreover, illegal file-sharing practices are said to have prompted the music industry to begin offering single songs, typically for 99 cents each, rather than forcing consumers to purchase an entire album Gunter Notwithstanding these assertions to the contrary, though, many authorities agree that illegal peer-to-peer file-sharing practices are tantamount to high seas piracy, and have resulted in sharply diminished sales of music recordings in the United States and abroad Oulett According to the definition provided by Black's Law Dictionary, piracy….

Works Cited Black's Law Dictionary. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co. Fitzhugh, Frank. Gunter, Whiney D. File-Sharers and Copyright-Infringers: Threat or Menace. El Paso, TX: LFB Scholarly, The crossed bones were reference to the original Templar logo of a red cross with blunted ends -- and also to human mortality. But it also was a life-giving symbol, as Christ was crucified at Golgotha, the "Place of the Skull. This fearless symbol often struck terror into the hearts of the Templar's foes in the Holy Land, as did the message of 'surrender or die' to the ships the pirate Templars were determined to attack. Ironically, although their most famous public symbol is an image of mortality, according to Childress, the Templars live on, in the founding of the country of America as well as the piracy that existed on the high seas until the 17th and 18th century.

His book suggests a…. Works Cited Brown, Dan. The Da Vinci Code. New York: Doubleday, Childress, David. Pirates and The Lost Templar Fleet: The Secret Naval War Between The Knights Templar and The Vatican New York: Adventures Unlimited Press, Somali clans have made a unified pledge to address the piracy problem. These measures were possible because of a recent agreement to bring peace to the region, signed by warring clan leaders. The contract was a relief to many, as "Somali businessmen and international shippers said the only thing which has stopped piracy in the past is when western navies patrol the area" Doyle, This is seen as a crucial step in rebuilding the nation's economic infrastructure.

orks Cited Coffen-Smout, Scott. html Doyle, Mark. Works Cited Coffen-Smout, Scott. according to one of the country's most conservative think tanks that refuses to release information regarding its corporate sponsors RIAA par. Though this might be the value of the music pirated, many illegal downloads are for songs tat people simply would not buy if forced to choose between paying and not having a particular song, meaning that little value is actually added to the music industry by ending piracy. In addition, the lack of ISP providers stepping up to assist the RIAA is both contrary to the RIAA's statements and further evidence of the industry's failure to effectively curb pirating online RIAA par.

orks Cited RIAA. Accessed 10 October php Sandoval, Greg. Works Cited RIAA. International Community's esponse to Somalian Piracy. To date, the primary response by the international community to maritime piracy off the coast of Somalia has been to employ combined international naval forces to protect commercial shipping Maritime Piracy and elated Kidnapping for ansom, In addition, in January , the international community launched a coordinated initiative targeted at stopping pirate attacks in Somali waters called the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia Counter Piracy and Maritime Security, The Contact Group currently partners with the following: a EUNAVFO Operation Atalanta; b Combined Maritime Forces Combined Task Force ; c NATO Operation Ocean Shield; and d National Counter-Piracy Missions China, India, Japan, Malaysia, ussia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Yemen Counter Piracy and Maritime Security, The Contact Group could benefit from further collaborative efforts with the U.

Pursuant to the Piracy off the…. References 'Background note: Somalia. Department of State. M2d1: Pirates Pirates off the coasts of Africa and Southeast Asia have put forth the argument that they are merely defending their coastlines from international shipping polluting their coastlines and violating their fishing rights. What do you think of this argument? Piracy has a negative effect, not simply for the persons suffering from the attack, but also for the residents living in the areas from which the piracy springs.

Piracy causes substantial economic losses for the populations in regions where piracy is a way of life. For example, "unlike pirates along Somalia's coast, who are often only after ransom, pirates in West Africa also steal goods, particularly oil. Many attacks end up with crew members injured or killed. But pirate attacks do not only result in killings and injuries, tragic as those are; they also damage the economy. In some cases, affected countries in West Africa have become less concerned…. An even more recent case of piracy, which occurred when a cruise ship was captured off the coast of Somalia, suggests the violence of piracy. Armed security personnel on the cruise ship traded fire with the pirates, who fled.

Though no one was hurt, trading gunshots at sea was probably not what the passengers of the cruise ship had in mind when they signed up for the vacation infield. It would not be surprising if the passengers and crew of the ship were forever scared by this frightening experience. These two incidents show that piracy today is not the piracy of literature; instead, it is a dangerous crime for both perpetrator and victim. Thus, while pirates have traditionally been the beloved characters of adventures and children's novels, they no longer amuse and entertain us. Instead, they commit crimes that result in death and ruined lives. Because of this, Vandergrift wonders…. Winfield, Nicole. The Associated Press.

In this short news article, the author describes Somali Pirates' attempt to take an Italian cruise ship, which carried around passengers and crew. The attempt was thwarted when the cruise ship's security guards fired on the pirates. No one was hurt. He shall have an equal title to the fresh provisions or strong liquors at any time seized, and shall use them at pleasure unless a scarcity may make it necessary for the common good that a retrenchment may be voted. ARTICLE III - None shall game for money either with dice or cards. ARTICLE VI - No boy or woman to be allowed amongst them. If any man shall be found seducing any of the latter sex and carrying her to sea in disguise he shall suffer death.

ARTICLE VII - He that shall desert the ship or his quarters in time of battle shall be punished by death or marooning. ARTICLE VIII - None shall strike another on board the ship, but every man's quarrel shall be ended on shore by sword or pistol in this manner. At the word of command from the quartermaster, each man being previously…. Works Cited Pirate's Life. html Buccaneers, Pirates and Privateers. htm Piracy, Then and Now. Music Business MUSIC INDUSTY In the face of current economic slowdown, no industry is likely to survive if it sticks with its old business models and refuse to adapt to change.

Besides economic problems, there are some other factors, which are forcing corporations to adopt new and better business strategies and discard old ones since they are not producing positive results. These factors include political conditions in the country, global rise in terrorist activities and rapid development of technology, most specifically the Internet. With American households and corporations getting wired at lightening speed, it is only logical to incorporate this technology in a new business model to make business strategies produce desired results. Apart from technological change, companies are also required to focus more on pricing models. It has been noticed that with consumer spending shrinking, only those corporations that have a viable pricing model are likely to stay afloat.

References The Music Industry In a spin, The Economist, Feb 27th, Frank Rose, The Civil War Inside Sony, WIRED Magazine Issue Recently there has been a rise in file sharing where the infringing content is actually stored on the central server, such as the now-defunct megaupload. Consequently, there is a conflict between the rights of content owners and the rights of ordinary users of the internet. The conflict here is that efforts to eliminate sites that enable online infringing may also eliminate legitimate internet activity. In the fall of the SOPA Stop Online Piracy Act and PIPA Protect Intellectual Property Act proposals were introduced into the U. Almost certainly, the SOPA and PIPA proposals to go after file sharers go too far in the other direction in violating the free speech rights of individual users and handing the web even more over….

WORKS CITED Corey, G. et al. Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, 8th Edition. Cengage Learning, Howard, Alexander. Ranney, Karen. ole of Technology in Corporate and Social esponsibility Insider trading. The insider trading case that has become most prominent is that against aj ajaratnam who ran the hedgefund Galleon Group, and was charged along with his co-defendant, Danielle Chiesi, a former consultant with New Castle Funds, LLC "Insider Trading," ajaratnam was convicted of 14 counts of insider trading, which makes this case the largest scheme concocted by a hedge fund "Insider Trading," ajaratnam was part of a "triangle of trust" that functioned as a deliberately corrupt business model in which inside information is fed through networks of experts to traders within various companies "Insider Trading," References Angwin, J.

The new gold mine: Your secrets. The Wall Street Journal. html A web of insider trading charges. The New York Times. html Representative Stearns introduces consumer privacy protection act. Privacy and information Security Law Blog. technologies, modern media has the ability to absorb and become influenced by cultures from all around the world. The media of the eastern world, such as in Saudi Arabia and Nigerian have been influenced by the west, particularly the United States of America. Marwan Kraidy's "Reality Television, Gender, and Authenticity in Saudi Arabia" and Brian Larkin's "Degraded Images, Distorted Sounds: Nigerian Video and the Infrastructure of Piracy" deal with the westernization of Middle Eastern and African cultures which has been thwarted by the governments of those societies.

Marwan Kraidy explores the ramifications of a pan-Arab reality show called Star Academy which is broadcast in Saudi Arabia. In that nation, the program caused considerable problems because the political basis on which the Saudi government is run was undermined by the production. Star Academy was obviously influenced by western media, such as the television programs "Pop Idol" and "The…. Works Cited: Benklar, Y. Wikileaks and the Protect-IP Act: a new public-private threat to the internet commons. Daedalus, the Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Deibert, R. Liberation vs. control in cyberspace. Journal of Democracy. Kraidy, M. Reality television, gender, and authenticity in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Communication.

International Communication Association. Larkin, B. Degraded images, distorted sounds: Nigerian video and the infrastructure of piracy. Public Culture. Duke University Press. Barbary Terror: America's ar against the Pirates of North Africa During the 19th century, pirates were far from an abstract threat on international seas. Nor was piracy merely due to the actions of some rogue elements. The nations of Algeria, Morocco, Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli used state-sponsored piracy to profit off of ransom money.

Sailors who were not ransomed in a system of state-sponsored forced labor. European nations had long taken the attitude that piracy was inevitable, and rather than fight it, they rationalized that "paying Barbary rulers a 'license' for trade was less expensive than constantly convoying ships or attacking the Barbary powers in their heavily fortified ports" Leiner Remarkably, the still relatively weak and young American nation under the leadership of President James Madison was able to challenge and defeat the Barbary nations at the piracy game.

The book The End of Barbary Terror: America's …. Work Cited Leiner, Frederick. The End of Barbary Terror: America's War against the Pirates of North Africa. New York: Oxford University Press, Arguably the deficiencies in processes and technologies throughout the distribution channel enable the unethical sharing of digital property by consumers in the first place. it's as if the incompetence of these channel partners' platforms, either from a website standpoint with the support of DM technologies or the reliance on faulty, often poorly designed DM systems, technologies and techniques create much opportunity to take digital and intellectual property and repurpose it illegally across P2P sites that seek to make all music egalitarian Lysonski, Durvasula, it's as if the mid-tier of the distribution channel is leaving the door open wide enough from an intellectual property standpoint to allow for individuals to selectively choose which songs, digital products of all sort, and what platforms they want to repurpose them on Levin, Dato-on, Manolis, When the music distributors, both in the form of traditional forms including music stores selling CDs and non-traditional….

References Altschuller, S. Is music downloading the new prohibition? What students reveal through an ethical dilemma. Ethics and Information Technology, 11 1 , Banerjee, a. The P2P war: Someone is monitoring your activities. Computer Networks, 52 6 , Norman E. Digital Rights and Wrongs: Intellectual Property in the Information Age. Business and Society Review, 1 , Ross Dannenberg. Copyright Protection for Digitally Delivered Music: A Global Affair. Romanticism of Scott's Piracy with the Revolutionary realism of Cooper's Pilot Great art is not supposed to come from anger or a sense of competition with authors. However, the first great sea tale The Pilot, by the merican author James Fenmore Cooper, was written explicitly out of anger, in reaction to a romanticized account of piracy and sea life.

The Pirate by the Scotsman Sir Walter Scott was a romantic account of why men took to sea, out of romantic despair, with little concern for the real damage done to the naval code of conduct and safety as a result of piracy on the waters. Cooper, in contrast, knew intimately the difficulties of fighting military conflict from a navel perspective, and did not see piracy as something to be valorized. Rather than a plot motivated by love, where the sea was a subsidiary motivating force, Cooper resolved to tell a…. According to Robert Neeser, "it was in the course of an after-dinner conversation that the thought of writing a romance of the sea first came to Fennimore Cooper. The table talk had turned on the authorship of the Waverly Novels, which, in , was still a matter of some uncertainty, and on its most recent volume, The Pirate, which had been published in December of the preceding year.

The incidents of this story were brought forward as a proof of the thorough familiarity with sea life of the author, whoever he was. But Cooper contended that The Pirate was not the work of a sailor, but that of a landsman. His listeners could not be convinced by his arguments. He therefore determined to convince them by writing "a, sea tale, to show," he said, "what can be done in this way by a sailor. Indeed, Cooper was correct. Sir Walter Scott did not draw his inspiration for The Pirate from any events he witnessed at sea. Rather, Scott drew on his memories of a voyage to the Northern Isles in , as guest of a commission inspecting Scotland's lighthouses.

He thus drew his chronicled events from myths he heard from those on land, rather than his experiences on the water. He chose to set The Pirate in the seventeenth century in a remote part of the Shetland Islands, rather than on a boat. The pirate of the title, Basil Mertoun, is now conveniently retired. He turned to a life of thievery because of his anger at his wife when she betrayed him, not out of a desire to make a living. Merton lives as a tenant of Magnus Troil on land, with his son Mordaunt, whom he is not certain even belongs to him. Walter Scott Digital Archive is an Edinburgh University Library, Magnus's daughters Minna and Brenda form the main love interests of the tale, and their significance in the plot, such as when Minna is horrified when Cleveland open-heartedly confesses to her that he is a pirate, and Brenda's alliance with Mordaunt also shows how romance, rather than the realities of life at sea drives the plot.

In fact, Mordaunt's lack of a corresponding figure in Cooper's subsequent sea tale highlights how issues of great importance to Scott, such as Merton's inability to reconcile himself to his lost. Because he was inexperienced in handling the bomb, the place was spared from killing the nearly three hundred individuals that were on board. All these forms of attacks that have come from stated considered weak have brough up great conern for nations around the globe. A lot of people fear that the African country of Somalia might possibly be utilized as a base for fanaticism if an intensive determination is not made to help re- connect peace in the country.

For nearly two decades, the people of Somalia do not have a real central government that is functioning and there have been many struggles that are against challenging clans that are inside the nation to gain as a regulator of the nation. n , the slamic Courts Union CU put out the Transitional Federal Government TFG of Somalia and then seized control of Mogadishu and its nearby locations. During December…. In spite of all of these efforts that had been made by the nation of Ethiopia and the African Union, Somalia was still going through many challenges that were inhibiting its aptitude to be able to purpose as a country.

One of the biggest obstacles to keeping the nation stabilized is the terrorist organization Al-Shabab, which has remunerated an insurrection that has went against what they recognize as the "western compulsory" TFG of Somalia.

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