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Personality essays

Personality essays

The individual develops a warrior mentality that suffuses the attack behavior and planning of the person. Bachelor's or higher personality essays. However, I also believe strongly in the power of each person to change. The criterion-related validity of personality measures for predicting GPA: A meta-analytic validity competition, personality essays. Sometimes, experience is the best teacher. Garbage — Personal Essay Pages: 3 page s.

Offender Profiles

Every human being is unique. These are the most used words in this century but yes it is indeed true that all of us were created differently. Everyone has a distinguishing physical feature. One person may be tall, dark and smart while others are small, personality essays, petite and slim. Personality makes up the character and the very core attitude of an individual. In the absence of this trait, then a person will be considered as dull, boring and non-existent. Nevertheless, personality may be good or bad depending upon the person who is being referred to.

Different types of personality includes a person who is always happy and inspiring, some are always emo or short for emotional and serious, some are adventurous and always jumps into risks, others are experimental and kind, while the rest may be a mixture of different kinds of personalities. An personality essays who is known to be most resilient and successful in life are the ones with persistent personalities. They make the most of every opportunities and never give up on every single challenges. One person could be very strong and aggressive, personality essays, mostly these are the people tasked with jobs in the law enforcement and the legal field, personality essays.

Their personality fits the type of work they are engaged in where bravery and courage is direly needed. Some women are very courteous and kind, personality essays, they have so much patience and kindness to share, personality essays. Usually people with these personalities end up as counselors, teachers personality essays child care workers, personality essays. The amazing factors in having different personalities and characters are the variety of our individual preferences, personality essays. Everything built and created in this personality essays connects with what the people love to do or to have, personality essays.

Businesses produce the perfect type of Levis jeans in accordance to the specific taste, style and personality of the consumer. The grocery stores manufacture the classes of food that are most sold out in the market depending on what the buyers like. So personality does not end with how are manners are exercised or shown to others but even our personalities affect the community, the nation and the world. Sadly, by reason of the personality and character that wars are also started and lives are lost. Negatively, personality could also be used to deceive others, to steal and destroy on the grounds of selfish intentions and reasons.

This is where personality personality essays a threat and causes negative effects. However, personality essays, most of the time, personality is defined on a positive light and is advantageous on many grounds. A teacher has a professional personality that will attract her students to study harder, listen to her and obey her. Personality is comprised of character, the emotional and mental state of mind added with the physical traits of an individual. Likewise, personality essays starts when we are kids and develops through years of training, education and experiences. Sometimes, experience is the best teacher. Our character is honed by our parents, friends and the people surrounding us personality essays such a manner that we grow more mature in the process and develop positive traits rather than negative behavior.

Our personalities could either break or mold us into becoming better individuals. Those in the media and spotlight are more careful in showing their personalities because they are under the scrutiny and criticism of everyone who watches them. They are more pressured to only show their positive traits and this may be difficult personality essays the person is not really kind or polite. Where to order amazing custom papers? Term papers for sale online at EssayBasics — excellent choice. Buy Essay Pay For Essay Write Personality essays Essay Homework Writing Help Essay Editing Service Thesis Writing Help Write My College Essay Do My Essay Term Paper Writing Service Coursework Writing Service Write My Research Paper Assignment Writing Help Essay Writing Help.

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New York: Oxford University Press. Lalande, Kathleen M. Retrospective memory bias for the frequency of potentially traumatic events: A prospective study. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, Vol 3 2 , Jun , Lewkowitz, D. The biological implausibility of the nature-nurture dichotomy and what it means for the study of infancy. Infancy 16 4 : These people have been seen to have rigidity towards people who are struggling in life and are going through a tougher time or with people who are already emotionally weak or vulnerable in case where they might be going through a tough relationship. It has been reported that if these people are asked for advice for better parenting with a troubled teen, the advice from an overtly controlling person would be to cast the teen away, leave him in a church or be hard on him in a physical manner.

In the case of marital issues, the advice would be to make sure that the wife being a weaker person should be made to submit to the much stronger husband. If a depressed individual asks such controlling person for an advice, it would be repent on sins making sure that such sins are not committed again. These individuals are overtly…. Works Cited Bancroft, Lundy. Why does he do that? Berkley Books, Braiker, B. Who's Pulling Your Strings? McGraw-Hill Professional, Evans, Patricia. Controlling people: how to recognize, understand, and deal with people who try to control you. Edition 3. Adams Media, Humans are often called 'social animals'. However, the test construct acknowledged the fact that no one is perfectly social or asocial but a mix of both characteristics. In future forms of this extroversion inventory, creating a typology of different types of introversion and extroversion would be useful.

For example, some people are very extroverted with friends, but are more socially reserved in a work context. Others are very introverted in the sense that they like to be alone, but can still 'get by' in social environments and perform like extroverts. It is also possible to be very confident speaking in public to large groups of people, but to feel more uncomfortable one-on-one, in personal social contexts. Additionally, positive forms of sociability -- such as compassion -- and negative forms -- such…. References DISC assessment. DISC homepage. html Measuring the big five personality factors. Department of Psychology. University of Oregon. Myers Gifts differing. Mountain View, CA: Davies- Black Publishing. Personality, Motivation, And Managing Staff This discussion aims to address the intricacies and detail of workplace conducts as the course theory presents and explains them.

The reports explore the character of Andrea Sachs that Anne Hathaway depicts in the movie the "Devil Wears Prada," in presenting this relationship. Using the behaviours and experiences of the character, the discussion explains the way different individuals operate and perform in the work environment. Through an analysis of Andrea Sachs, the discussion also establishes the nature of managerial conducts that would prove appropriate in improving Andrea's level of motivation. This report is worth reading considering the choice of character and the in-depth analysis that the report provides. Besides settling on a character with traits that are open to numerous interpretations, as that the movie presents splendidly, the discussion extensively and vividly establishes the characters experience and behaviours with the theory in use.

The reader…. Despite having diverted to the employment sector for ten years to make ends meet, I am still determined to be what I had intended to be in the initial times and the high level if determination points to my inward motivation. I am also independent in that I make sound decisions on my own, I decided to let go of my "career" initially to pursue employment and now I have decided to further my career. If it were not for enthusiasm, I could have already let go of my dream to be a nurse which I still hold on to dearly. Self-confidence is played out in the fact that I never allowed the unpleasant interaction between sexuality and gambling waste my life ahead. The job of being at a casino, especially for that long, requires someone who is extremely outgoing and sociable.

Bearing the fact that I wanted to have…. References Discus, Personality Types. php Sociology Guide, The Meaning of Personality. Personality Theories of Personality This paper analyses the process of personality development in detail. It discusses how various genetic, environmental, cognitive, unconscious and socioculture factors affect the process of personality development in different individuals. Theory of Personality Personality can be defined as the sum total of all the characteristics that make an individual unique and different from other individuals. In order to analyze one's personality you do not necessarily need a psychologist to speculate and observe it.

In our day-to-day dealings we refer to a large number of personality traits that various individuals possess. Different authors and playwrights usually use key figures and role models in their novels and plays to attract people. The word 'personality' is frequently used in day-to-day conversations nowadays. All of us develop our own theories of personality, each and every time we answer the question ' how is he or she like? There are five…. References Houston, D. Islamic Azad University, pdf Keltikangas-Jarvinen, L. Nature and nurture in personality. The Journal Of Lifelong Learning In Psychiatry, 8 2 , pdf Pearson Education, Personality theories. pdf Personality: social learning, humanistic, and socio-cultural perspectives.

The study indicates that research has shown how personalities are formed, and how they can be changed, but she does not show specific examples of her research when it comes to changing beliefs and people who have drastically changed their personalities. It would have been more interesting and enlightening if she could have given a concrete example of a person who changed their personality by changing their beliefs, although she does use some student studies that indicate the group has a whole had personality changes when their instructors behaved in certain manners. A specific, detailed example would have helped make the concept clearer and easier to understand, however. The implications of the research are that personalities are not rooted in the genes and are unable to change.

That means that people who have negative personality traits can work on their core beliefs and change their personalities, and that is interesting…. References Dweck, Carole S. In "When the omance is Over: Follower Perspectives of Aversive Leadership," Bligh, et al. Whereas the Judge et al. Although Judge, et al. References Bligh, M. When the romance is over. Applied Psychology: An International Review 56 4 : Bobbio, A. Servant leadership in Italy and its relation to organizational variables. Leadership 8 3 : Judge, T. Personality and leadership: A qualitative and quantitative review. Journal of Applied Psychology 87 4 : McClelland, D.

Power is the great motivator. Harvard Business Review. Dispositional and Evolutionary Theories What makes some people extraverted and others introverted? Why are some people mellow and calm, while others lose their tempers at the drop of a hat? Personality psychology tries to answer questions like these by performing a twofold role. The first role of personality psychology is to explain how clusters of traits work together to cause behavioral or cognitive effects, and the other role is to simply explain individual differences or classify people according to clusters of traits American Psychological Association, There are several schools of personality psychology, including dispositional and evolutionary theories.

Dispositional theory is quite common in popular psychology and has been a prevalent mode of thinking in the history of philosophies throughout different societies. According to dispositional theory, people have immutable traits and personality "types. References American Psychological Association The Big Five personality dimensions. About Education. htm "General Strengths and Limitations of Trait Perspectives," n. A new Big Five. American Psychologist 61 3 : This approach assumes that the psychological apparatus of the mind is dependent upon some type of energy to make it function Personality pp. This energy is used in psychological work such as planning, thinking, feeling, and remembering Personality pp.

Everything that happens in an individual's mind and everything he or she does have a specific, identifiable cause, which is referred to as psychic determinism Personality pp. According to Freud, "people are driven, fundamentally, by unconscious, animalistic, instinctual urges, particularly lust and aggression" Personality pp. The unconscious is understood to be the large part of the mind that is hidden from view, and the internal structure of the mind is divided into three separate motivations, the Id, which is the irrational and emotional part of the mind, the Ego, which is the rational part, and the Superego, the moral part Personality pp. The basic assumption of the learning perspective is that….

Works Cited Boeree, C. Personality Theories: Introduction. html Evolutionary Perspectives on Personality. Personality Development. Gale Encyclopedia of Childhood and Adolescence. Employee satisfaction might be one of the most difficult measures in management to quantify. There are so many ways to judge this factor, from self-evaluation to independent evaluation to more concrete numbers like productivity, which has been linked to job satisfaction. There is no industry-wide standard for assessing employee satisfaction, and yet it is one of the most important factors in a successful work environment. This paper will explore the influence of an individual's personality and character traits on their job satisfaction; instead of seeing job satisfaction as a result of outside influences, I hypothesize that an employee's individual personality and attitude are important factors in his or her job satisfaction.

That is to say, an employee who is otherwise unhappy and gloomy will most likely not be happy in his or her workplace either, and conversely, an employee with a positive outlook and an upbeat personality will be satisfied…. Morrison, Reese, "How In-House Managers Can Profit from Diverse Satisfaction Surveys," Of Counsel, , Bernthal, Paul. leadership coach begins each public presentation making it very clear that having a leadership position and being a leader are not the same thing. Leadership and management are quite different even though often used synonymously.

A "position" is something one is hired into, or appointed -- whether that results in leadership is dependent on the qualities of the individual. Some leaders rise from relative obscurity, and lead from below; some managers never learn to lead Ventura, Almost all the literature reviewed, though, seem to see the leader as being one who can see a situation and assume the right style of leadership for that occasion e. Harry Truman taking over after Franklin Roosevelt's death. Certainly, once there is a leadership role assumed, the dynamics of interpersonal relationships change -- as they should. It is impossible for a leader to be completely fair and unbiased if that leader openly socializes….

Works Cited John Glenn. Retrieved from TimesLeader Online. Exploring the Relationship Between Learning and Leadership. Leadership and Organizational Development, May 5 , Brown, T. Do We Really Want More Leaders in Business? Journal of Business Ethics, 17 15 , Carlyle, T. A Carlyle Reader. New York: Copley Publications. Personality Traits The discussion of "nature vs. nurture" has been a long-standing one. It relates to whether the main characteristics of an individual are genetically determined or whether these are actually deeply affected by environmental factors and by society as the individual evolves.

This is where the discussion of whether an individual's personality is largely fixed at birth or not can also be placed. Arguments are both for and against, although this paper will eventually argue that this is not the case. As Chapter 5 shows us, the idea that "personality is something we arrive with at birth, genetically determined and unchangeable is not the case. On one hand, it is difficult to accept the idea that people cannot change and the fact that personality traits could actually be something the individual is born with implies the fact that individual cannot change. Personality Traits in Childhood and Adolescence: Structure, Development, and Outcomes In many instances, youth are described by their personality trait.

Particularly during puberty, students are attempting to find themselves in an unknown environment. The article attempts to provide an explanation on the behavioral of youth tendencies and their relationships to broader traits. The article also provided example of both similarities and differences between youth and their adult counterparts. It is interesting how both youth and adults have evolved over the past half century in regards to their relationship and ability to cope with uncertainty. ecently, we have seen an influx of school shootings, murders and suicides by high school students dealing with adversity. We have also witnessed instances of student and teacher sexual relationship which correlate directly to personality traits. Even more intriguing is how students deal with these issues in the context of society overall.

In general the article…. References 1 "Psychosis. Personality Measurements Personality traits make up the characteristics of the individual. Schmutte and yff define personality traits as describing, "individual propensities toward stable patterns of behavior and thought, that often are neither inherently good nor inherently bad. These five factors include neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness. There are multiple scales designed to measure such factors. Discussion of Topic When deciding on an instrument to measure personality, a researcher must take into account the scale's validity, reliability and preferred methodology. For this reason,…. References Costa, P.

The revised NEO Personality Inventory NEO-PI-R and NEO-Five-Factor Inventory NEO-FFI professional manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources. Goldberg, L. The development of markers for the Big-Five factor structure. Psychological Assessment, 4, Salami, S. Personality and psychological well-being of adolescents: The moderating role of emotional intelligence. Social Behavior and Personality, 39 6 , Schmutte P, Ryff C. Personality and well-being: Reexamining methods and meanings. Personality Development in Immigrant Children Personality development is one of the most commonly researched areas of psychology.

At first blush, the relation between personality and the cognitive development of immigrant children may appear somewhat nebulous. However, as contemporary research moves ever closer to an integrative approach, the fields of social and biological science -- once regarded as discrete disciplines -- are merging like the overlapping disks of a Venn diagram. The cognitive development of children has historically been analyzed through the lens of nature-nurture theorists. The utility of this line of thought weakens under the brilliant new discoveries in the field of neuroscience, and cognitive psychologists have deepened and broadened their inquiries to encompass new findings that point to a greater integration of disciplines.

This discussion will touch on the influence that classic theories of personality development have on contemporary personality theory, referencing seminal work by pioneers in psychology and…. References Almy, M. Review of 'Memory and intelligence; Understanding causality;' and' The origin of the idea of chance in children'. American Journal Of Orthopsychiatry, 46 1 , x Baxter, G. Education for the moral development of managers: Kohlberg's stages of moral development and integrative education. Journal of Business Ethics, 6 3 , Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective. Annual Review of Psychology, 52 1 , 1 -- Berry, J. Immigrant Youth: Acculturation, Identity, and Adaptation.

Applied Psychology: An International Review, 55 3 , Personality Profiles There are several theoretical approaches that are utilized in explaining personality based on the different traits relating to an individual. These theoretical approaches are divided into two major categories i. the five domains and complex models domains. The five domains psychodynamic, humanistic, behavioral, trait and type, and learning are approaches that focus on how individual traits are developed and how behavior is formulated. On the other hand, the complex models domains basically focus on how traits could impact an individual's personality. Personality: Behavior, Thoughts, Motives, and Emotions That Characterize a Person Personality: a distinctive and relatively stable pattern of behavior, thoughts, motives and emotions that characterizes an individual.

Psychologists use a variety of tests to determine and study a vast number of personality traits among groups of people. They've found that although everyone exhibits five to ten central traits that determine how we react to different people and various situations, not all traits carry the same weight in their importance in someone's life. Where you might fear speaking in front of a crowd, for example, I may find it invigorating and fun. We all have secondary traits, too food preferences, for example, or how we feel about a style of dress , but these aren't as stable as the central traits.

Although secondary traits can change as we mature and grow, central traits generally stick with us our entire lives. The central…. Personality Therapy Personality is very complex. Individuals can differ considerably from one another, because of the wide variety of traits possible. In addition, a person can act a certain way in one situation and completely different in another, or have internal processes that manifest themselves through very different external actions and behaviors. Because of this diversity and complexity, psychologists have developed a number of theories to explain personality phenomena, as well as suggest yet unknown possibilities.

This report, based on the book Perspectives on Personality by Charles Carver will discuss these theories and how they can be applied for behavioral change through therapy. Two theories fall under the dispositional perspectives category, which emphasize that people display consistency or continuity in their actions, thoughts and feelings: The "trait and type" theory and the "needs and motives" theory. The first concludes that people can be divided into different types or categories. The Id deals with instantaneous satisfaction of basic physical needs and desires and it functions completely unconsciously.

The Superego develops as a child progressively learns what is deemed to be right or wrong. Personality and Leadership The link between personality and leadership has attracted considerable concern and debate in the recent past as the issue of leadership continues to generate significant attention. The significant concern on the relationship between personality and leadership has been fueled by the trait theory of leadership, which postulates that individual with some personality attributes are more likely to be effective in leadership positions or roles as compared to others. In light of recent studies on the effectiveness of leadership, it is increasingly clear that there is a strong link between personality and leadership.

While early reviews of personality and leadership seemingly dismiss the link between personality or individual characteristics and leadership ability, personality plays a crucial role in leadership. The role of…. References Eisenbeib, S. Ethical and Unethical Leadership: A Cross- Cultural and Cross-Sectoral Analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, , Judge et. Personality and Leadership: A Qualitative and Quantitative Review. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87 4 , O'Connor, P. Applying a Psychobiological Model of Personality to the Study of Leadership.

Journal of Individual Differences, 31 4 , Personality Theory Blog Personality Theories and Conducting Assessment According to the humanistic psychologist's theory of personality, people in their endeavor, try to reach superior levels of mental functioning and personal growth that they also evaluate through objective measures and individual reflections. Even though objective measures are not biased, they do not offer a lot of information. An objective measure of personality is one that uses research to get results. In these tests, choices that when chosen by the patient will give a clear description of the patient are presented as compared to the unstructured and structured personal interviews…. References Boeree, C.

html Evans, R. Japan and blood types: Does it determine personality? Cross Cultural Personality Research. Assessment Theories. In AllPsych Ed. Personality and MBA Studies There are various personalities that are displayed by different people in the society. That is what makes up a diverse society. The personality that I am considered to be is the innovative, individualistic, versatile and entrepreneurial personality. At times this is referred to as Jungian Type Personality specifically the ENTP character. This is because I am resourceful, creative, and quick in the intellectual field. I also like to engage in debates and am excited over new ideas and always assertive as well as outspoken.

I like having people around me and I have that ability to grasp concepts and apply logic to get amicable solutions BSM Consulting Inc. Apart from my character traits, there are those values that I hold dearly to and would like to see myself applying in life and getting from life as well. Values, according to National Defense University are…. References BSM Consulting Inc. High-Level Description of the Sixteen Personality Types. html Maggie Fox, scores dead last again in healthcare study. Health and Science Editor; Reuters. Pesonalities Eve wondeed why people behave the way they do and why people act in one way while othes act in a diffeent way? Well we all know that people ae diffeent when it comes to thei physical and psychological aspects. In human pesonality the cental dimension is the tait of extavesion and that of intovesion.

Vitually all the compehensive models of pesonality must include these two concepts extavesion and intovesion is typically temed as a single continuum. This insinuates that fo one to be on the high of one they necessaily have to be low on the othe. Theefoe one cannot have extemes of both at a go. Thee is also a diffeent pespective that suggests that each individual has both an extovet and intovet side with on dominating ove the othe. Regadless of the thee is always a fluctuation in peoples behavio at all times and even exteme…. htm Bennington, J. The science of what makes an introvert and an Extrovert. Retrieved October 19, from io9. Moreover, cautiousness prevents me from causing problems. What are your weaknesses which might hinder you in your career - and which you might want to work on?

Among my weaknesses that I believe can hinder me in my career is my introvert personality. These days, especially in the workforce, having the capability to speak out and communicate well is important because these are among the qualities that mark a leader. I learned that reserve and quiet individuals are oftentimes left behind in terms of becoming a leader. This is because people need leaders who have the ability to speak out and take charge. My quietness and lack of social relationship hinders me to demonstrate to others my talent and capabilities to become a leader. Instead, I tend to let others take charge while I just play the role of a member or a follower. Another weakness that I believe can…. Her wellness did not allow participation in the second that took place in ; however Isabel Myers took pleasure in the other 2 extensively, though sometimes she would be dismayed at the different ways that the analysts treated her information.

She understood that the intuitive 'kind' or personality indexes will need to alter the MBTI [instrument] as that is in their nature but she hoped that prior to the time when they altered it, they will initially attempt to comprehend exactly what had been done as the foundation of the theory because her reasons for choosing a certain structure were logical and justified. In , publication of the Indicator was presumed by CPP, Inc. For the first time, the MBTI [instrument] was readily available as an instrument prepared for use in assisting individuals Kirby and Myers, In the last months of her life, when she invested much time sleeping….

References Bowdon, T. Nicholas Brealey Publishing. Drucker, C. Once Upon a Type: Mythological Dimensions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. ProQuest Publications. Kirby, L. And Myers, K. Introduction to Type. Cpp Publications. Myers, I. The Myers-Briggs type indicator. Consulting Psychologists Press. Personality Theories: A Road to the Self Knowing oneself is not an easy task by any stretch of the imagination; and being able to definitively describe one's own personality is even more difficult. However, the basic groundwork in truly knowing oneself is in one's ability to fully understand the concept of personality.

Before garnering embarking on a possible endless journey deciphering the endless labyrinth of available personality theories it is best to start from a more sociological perspective, namely the one proposed by Charles Cooley and known as the "Looking Glass Self" for it is on the basis of how one perceives the self, how others perceive the self and how one would like others to perceive the self that personality is born. Knowing the self is molded from three perspectives continuation in, and the depth of, knowing the self is brought about through the study of personality. Regardless of…. Personality Theories Psychologists have described personality as specific way of feeling, thinking and self-conduct Mcleod, of an individual. Personality is the constantly changing system in the minds of individuals and made up of specific psychological traits that influence their specific self-conduct and thinking.

Personality is the combination of behavior that distinguishes a person. The personality of a person is affected by genetic and biological factors as well as factors such as upbringing, environment etc. Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory This theory of personality believes that our differing personalities arise from the communication between what Sigmund Freud…. Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality. Theories of Personality. Psychology Personality There are six approaches for studying the personality development of a person. Two of the most popular ones are the biological and humanistic approaches. The other four of these approaches include the trait, cognitive, behavioral and psychoanalytic.

Each of these approaches are used to describe the system through we acquire our personality and factors that influence this personality development. The use of the approach is determined by the psychotherapist as well as the client, as they can differ from one person to another with respect to their effectiveness. However, it is the responsibility of the therapist to make sure that the approach used by him would be appropriate for the particular client he is dealing with. Even though it is not expected of the therapist to specialize in all the approaches, he should at least have an idea about each one of them. In this paper, we will…. References Lawrence, Sawyer Humanistic Approach to Personality. Vigil, Jeremy Big Five Personality Analysis Cher from the film Clueless: Big five personality trait analysis Openness Openness is an appreciation for new ideas.

On one hand, sixteen-year-old Cher is fairly unaware of problems that exist outside of her narrow world of Beverly Hills, and she is very judgmental of so-called 'stoners' at her high school, or people who do not fit in with her in-group. However, she is open enough to embrace a new girl named Tai who comes to the school, even though the girl seems very 'clueless' about how to dress and behave. Cher tries to teach Tai the values of the high school -- Cher's values. Despite her apparent superficiality, Cher does have a clear sense of personal morality. She is open about the fact that she is a virgin, saying that she is waiting for the right person to enjoy 'first time'.

This makes her unusual in…. In addition, since different types of pedagogy exist when teaching writing, it is difficult to compare students without solid factors. In this study, a group of right-handed graduate psychology students with a…. WORKS CITED Bayne, R. And F. Beyerstein, B. person is born, the family, neighbor and the culture is the prime aspect through which they interact before they can enter into the outside world. The development of the personality of an individual is the synthesis of traditions, values, thoughts, feelings, and various other factors that is based on the cultural aspects.

In this regard, the dissertation is about the ways in which personality and culture have a relationship to each other. The thesis paper has also discussed how culture leaves a profound impact on the development of the personality. How are Culture and Personality Related? hat is Culture? hat is Personality? Is there a relationship between Culture and Personality? How is Culture and Personality Related? Conclusion orks Cited Introduction Since the world has come to existence, people have divided themselves into smaller groups that have been named as civilizations and societies.

These diverse civilizations with different norms, customs, traditions…. Works Cited Bock, P. Rethinking Psychological Anthropology. USA: Waveland Press, LeVine, R. Culture and personality: contemporary readings. USA: Transaction Publishers, Psychological Anthropology: A Reader on Self in Culture. Triandis, H. DOI: Histrionic Personality Disorder Personality is the unique way in which every individual expresses their inner experience and outer behavior. People tend to react a given way every time they experience something and in return express personality traits that come to define who people are. But personalities are not set in stone. They can change according to any given experience, environment, or circumstance that one comes to encounter Dobbert, The ability to adjust our personalities according to a situation is what people with personality disorders lack.

According to the DSM-IV a Personality Disorder is defined as "an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual's culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment" p. These types of disorders are actually hard to self-recognize but can…. References: O'Donohue, William T. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. Dobbert, Duane, L. Understanding Personality Disorders: An Introduction. Westport, CT: Praegoer Publishing, Millon, Theodore, Millon, Carrie M. Personality Disorders in Modern Life. Kring, Ann, Davison, Gerald, C.

Abnormal Psychology. Measurement of Personality by Henry Murray The emergence of the psychoanalytic tradition in psychology by Sigmund Freud provided social scientists with profound insights and information regarding the personality and behavior of the individual. In the 20th century, psychoanalysis has been taken into the field of study of personality development, and is quantified through techniques in psychological testing. Henry Murray, one of the proponents and formulators of psychological tests as effective tools for analyzing human behavior, had introduced his own theory of personality, influenced by the works of Freud. Personality research during Murray's time was quantified because this field of study seeks to rationalize human behavior, thinking, and action, providing more stable ground to formulate generalizations regarding the study of humans and their development.

During the s, continuing conflict among nations of the world prompted psychologists to study human personalities in order to gauge and predict actions through behaviors displayed by…. Bibliography Neill, J. Personality Traits. University of Canberra Web site. Accessed 13 December Santrock, J. Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book Co. Theoretical Perspective of the Approach The approach's personality models are grounded on biological models. The models are based on empirical human and animal findings concerning the associations between neurological system functions and personality dimensions. Traits that are measured are reward-dependence, harm avoidance, novelty-seeking etc. The hypothesis is that they are grounded on genetic and neurochemical influences.

For instance, sensation-seeking and explorative tendencies like drug usage make use of dopaminergic pathways, and such a characteristic corresponds to novelty-seeking behavior in Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire TQP. People who are high on the novelty-seeking spectrum tend to be impulsive and take a lot of risks. Serotonin is linked to harm and punishment avoidance. Lower serotonin levels result in a "neurotic" personality. eward dependence is linked to noradrenaline. People that lean more towards harm avoidance tend to be more affectionate and sentimental. Those on the other end of the scale tend to be pragmatic and…. References Allport, G. Personality: A psychological interpretation. New York: H. Holt and. Biological Approaches.

rhtml Cattell, R. The scientific analysis of personality. Baltimore: Penguin Books. Eysenck, H. The scientific study of personality. Personality and experimental psychology. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society. Stuttering The Pros and Cons of Personality Tests, and Whether they can Detect a Stuttering Character The issue of whether to implement personality tests is a contentious topic with fervent advocates on both sides. On the one hand, personality tests do provide some basic outline of a person's character and personality; on the other hand, it is difficult to determine exactly how accurate the test is or whether it is even applicable in the practice of a person's life.

At the present moment, there continues to exist significant backlash against personality tests, although this tendency is perhaps unfair given the possible virtues of implementing such procedures. It is most likely that personality tests are appropriate in certain contexts; however, even in these situations it is important to avoid placing excessive emphasis of the findings gleaned from a personality test. Another significant question raised by the extant literature on personality tests…. References Arthur, Winifred, et al.

Unproctored internet-based tests of cognitive ability and personality: Magnitude of cheating and response distortion. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2, Eggers, K. Temperament dimensions in stuttering and typically developing children. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 35 4 , Fisher, C. Personality and employee selection: Credibility regained. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 35 2 , Salkind, N. Tests and Measurement for People Who Think They Hate Tests and Measurement. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each.

Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Home Topics Personal Issues Personality Traits Essays Personality Traits Essays Examples. Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. The… References Out of Service. They are prone to delay on such decisions and may choose to mitigate the damage they cause… Works Cited: Cox, B. In personality assessments those who score highest for agreeableness respond favorably to statements such I am kind to people, warm and caring, I cooperate with others easily, I consider myself as a high performer,… References Esque, T.

eview and Discussion There are a number of factors that can contribute to a predisposition to violence, including gender, personality traits such as impulsive-aggressive behaviors, marital status and… References Antonius, D. The organized nonsocial offender and the disorganized asocial offender. The asocial offender includes individuals who have the low intellect, for example, those who dropped out of school. They are socially inadequate and have difficulties maintaining relationships, hence, dating for them poses a problem. They tend to live alone to avoid social awkwardness. Such individuals usually have had an inconsistent or harsh form of discipline in their early years.

They tend to be unskilled workers due to their below average intellect. It is also likely that their paternal parent was unstable when they were young. Also, they tend to have a hard a difficult childhood for different reasons, for example, fighting parents. The organized nonsocial offender is the other type of murderer. He or she has the intellect that is above average. They tend to keep up to date with current events via media. Unlike the disorganized asocial offender, they are socially adequate, sexually competent and will live with someone. They usually have gone through a harsh childhood. Tend to be very good at controlling their emotions and moods in different circumstances. Are often described as diplomatic or charming.

If it is a male, they are described to be very masculine. Their offenses are often motivated by occupational or geography surroundings, a situational cause or victim access. A lot of sex offenders were sexually abused as children, and this act of abuse more often than wasn't perpetrated by people close to them such as family members. Sexual offenders who abuse children often tell them they are showing love hence, making the child confused on the ideology of love. Other sex offenders were brought up in homes with laid back attitudes concerning sex or uptight families, hence, never got the right notions about sex. Other factors that may affect people and cause them to commit sexual offenses are peer pressure.

For example, a dare may cause a person to do something they wouldn't normally do, and this may open up a new world of possibilities for them where they feel they can do anything since no one stopped them the first time they did it. Behaviors such as bullying that were earlier considered to just kids themselves are being now being shown to have serious consequences for both the victims and the perpetrators. Bullying may not only create sexual offenders either out of the bully or the victim but also creates murderers. Bullies are people who like engaging in and watching acts of violence and enjoy humiliating and inflicting pain on others characteristics that are also present in murderers Boyle, All types of emotional and cognitive intensities are involved while bullying and also environmental and social factors.

It happens at different developmental levels and various levels of maturity and experience. Cognitively, bullies may be of high intelligence, above average or below average Ellis, Given the right circumstances, almost anyone can develop into a bully and the aggressive acts may continue into adulthood. Bullies who turn into murderers tend to be those with a below average intellect. Hence, the incessant plea for teenagers to have good company. If the social company is that of bullies, then an individual is likely to turn into a bully too. This is further enhanced if the person doesn't come from a stable home.

The environmental influences in the formative years of a child have a great impact on what kind of person he or she turns out to be. The multidirectional scaling test MDS is a good test to investigate behavior patterns that may indicate the potential for committing murder. It offers a large scale of personality traits that have been found to correlate with certain behaviors that are known to specific crimes. The test also offers recommendations for measures that can be taken to restructure those found to have traits for potential criminal activity. It is useful since it enables therapeutic intervention to take place early enough to prevent potential crimes.

Another test is the Abel Assessment for Sexual Interest-3 AASI It is used to measure individuals who have shown signs of committing sexual offenses Abel, The offender is assessed based on the responses to various questions. The individual is taken through a series of questions and assessed based on the answers given. Collateral information that should be obtained for sex offenders includes; hospitalization or therapy while a child, sexual crimes or behaviors and any events that may be linked to maladaptive behavioral consequences. Collateral information essential in the case of murder includes; history of mental illness, peer pressure, for example, bullying and child abuse history APLS, Also, it is recommended that the following information is collected; of jobs held, places lived, religious beliefs, family dynamics, cultural nuances, relationships, friendships, positions held and affiliations with societies and clubs.

Criminal investigators contain a list of goals for every crime committed. First is to confirm the occurrence of the crime. They then proceed to apprehend the criminal. Depending on what crime it is they then find out the victims and, if possible, get their statements. They then work with the prosecution to determine the happenings during the time the crime happened. The ethical responsibilities include securing the scene of the crime so that evidence does not tamper with. Another ethical responsibility is to make sure emergency care is sought especially for sexual assault victims. Securing and collection of evidence is another ethical responsibility. In psychological interviews, the American Psychological Association APA code of ethics is followed.

They are conducted to assert the mental status of individuals. One of their ethical responsibilities is to maintain confidentiality ad only share information with those they are answerable to APA, Another ethical responsibility is to follow the guidelines of any affiliations they may be working with for example the district laws. Another ethical responsibility is to gather case related mental health information. One of the recommendations is that those who engage in psychological profiling is trained and educated in the procedures and various tests used. Lack of training and education on procedures used leaves room for errors.

In the case of criminal profiling, making the correct inference can be the difference between saving or leading to the death of lives. Another recommendation is that investigations be expanded to involve members of the society as well. Members of the society often know things that investigators may take the time to find out. Hence, it is advisable that societal members be involved in the criminal investigation process. Psychologists should maintain confidentiality, reliability and objectivity for their clients while investigators ought to get and retain evidence and solve the crime. Abel, G. Abel Assessment for Sexual Interest Offenses against Property. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

American Psychological Association. Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct including amendments. aspx American Psychology-Law Society. Specialty guidelines for forensic psychology. pdf Bond, J. The Relationship between the Detection of Acquisitive Crime by Forensic Science and Drug-Dependent Offenders. Journal Of Forensic Sciences 52 5 Boyle, D. Youth Bullying: Incidence, Impact, and Interventions. Journal of the New Jersey Psychological Association, 55 3 , Ellis, M. Medical News Today. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Kamm, F. Terrorism and Intending Evil. Phillip Chong, H. Pre-offense characteristics of nineteenth-century American parricide offenders: An archival exploration.

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HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE Sign in. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE. Type of Paper. Essay Topics. Educational Tools. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Blog Our Services. Personality Characteristics And Criminal Behavior. ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Premium samples database Get access to over 1 MILLION samples with WowEssays Premium! LEARN MORE. Introduction Different offenses are usually characterized by different characteristics. Offender Profiles There are no definite behavior patterns or character traits that can be used to identify a person who is going to commit a sex crime.

Factors that contribute to maladaptive functioning, behavior. Measures of testing personality. Collateral information Collateral information that should be obtained for sex offenders includes; hospitalization or therapy while a child, sexual crimes or behaviors and any events that may be linked to maladaptive behavioral consequences. Psychological interview vs. criminal investigator Criminal investigators contain a list of goals for every crime committed. Recommendations One of the recommendations is that those who engage in psychological profiling is trained and educated in the procedures and various tests used. Conclusion References Abel, G. Organized Crime. United States. Cite this page Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Chicago ASA IEEE AMA. Accessed 07 January January Accessed January 07, Retrieved January 07, Essay," Free Essay Examples - WowEssays.

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