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Why is alcohol considered to be a destructive substance? Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body Essay Paper. The contemporary medical world is very much concerned with the female alcohol abuse phenomenon and the appearance of a group of inclinations that both female and male abusers experience. Introduction: Humanity has always yielded to the pressure of different chemical substances that eventually caused it irreparable damage. Alcohol is not the last one in the list of these destructive substances. People relax and forget that they are supposed to think not only about their health but also about the health of the people around them. This especially concerns women, as they are the ones to deliver the next generation into the world.
Alcohol abuse is the giant problem, which needs to be fixed desperately. It is very important to understand its nature and the possible effects that it can make to the human body. They cannot concentrate, talk too much and are not capable of making proper decisions. Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body Essay Paper Such people are completely helpless and unprotected. The outcomes of alcohol abuse for the body are severe. Alcohol or sometimes called ethanol is a volatile liquid can easily burn oxidizes and is composed of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon, effects of alcohol essay, having the formula of C2H5OH.
Alcohol influenced the whole human body, even including the central nervous system and the brain of a man. After the process of drinking alcohol people start feeling pleasure and more open to the outer world, effects of alcohol essay. If the amount of alcohol in a human body is exceeding a person can die in his sleep, because the body will not have enough resources to cope with the suppression. It is also extremely dangerous to combine alcohol with other chemical substances. The changes that occur in the human organism for the reason of alcohol abuse are terrible. The whole body is damaged and the person stops being able to either move and think properly. These destructive processes, effects of alcohol essay, which occur inside the organism, cause effects of alcohol essay damage that it made on the genetic level.
Heavy abuse, causing disorders has nowadays effects of alcohol essay unbelievably widespread. All this changes throughout the period the development of the alcohol dependency cause mental disabilities and severe changes in the human body. Very often it is said that alcohol heavy drinkers look the same. This happens because in the first place all of them experience problems with their skin. This is the reason people who drink alcohol have a flushed skin color and constantly feel that they are hot. Alcohol also often causes serious weight problem. As a fact, alcohol prevents people from consuming healthy food on a regular basis and it direct influences the heart of a drinker. This is one of the primary reasons why people who prefer to drink alcohol can experience a heart failure.
Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body Essay Paper Another part of the body that is directly damaged by alcohol is the liver. When alcohol get to the blood of a person rather often, effects of alcohol essay, the blood in its turn damages the process of functioning of the liver cells and some of them start dying. The majority of people do not keep in mind the fact that even a one-time alcohol abuse makes the liver cells die, but it is the body of the person, who is not an alcohol heavy drinker, effects of alcohol essay, still has time to recuperate from the damage.
In case the person drinks alcohol on a regular base the liver becomes weaker and weaker from day to effects of alcohol essay. One other important physical sphere that is seriously damaged is the reproductive system of a human body. Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body Essay Paper The reason of this type of dysfunction is that alcohol deprives the impulses that the nerves pass, effects of alcohol essay, and especially effects of alcohol essay that cause ability to erect, as for men. Women alcohol abuse it on of the first to be prevented as the fetus changes negatively and a lot of disabled children are born into to the world, effects of alcohol essay. Females metabolize alcohol very quickly and this is the primary cause of their necessity to abstain from alcohol.
The fetus is already in high danger of obtaining FAS if the pregnant female consumes around 3 ounces of pure alcohol per day1[1]. Alcohol may cause spasm of placenta vessels and the umbilical cord. As the amount of zinc in the cells is rapidly reduced their growth and development is damaged. In its turn, the mutation of DNA in the fetus cells leads to pathologies of the development of different organs and tissues [6]. The taste and smell are lost and the speech becomes unclear. As alcohol constantly burns the throat of the drinker in may result in severe pain, vomiting and even cancer. The body itself starts being very weak, the muscles suffer from atrophy, pain and effects of alcohol essay. If a person constantly abuses alcohol it will eventually lead to a set of permanent transformations in the brain morphology.
One of the most significant transformations concerns the reduction of the total amount of brain tissue and the growing size of the ventricles. The basic reason the body stops being able to produce brain tissue to cope with the chemical is because it lacks natural vitamins that a healthy body produces. Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body Essay Paper Another reason because the body is deprived of vitamins is that alcohol abusers often experience a problem of systematic eating and do not consume food at the required time, making the body weak effects of alcohol essay unable to resist the alcohol effects.
As the brain of a person under alcohol dependency does not have enough vitamins it turns out to be the first step to the beginning of mental retardation. What happens to a person is that he completely losses the ability to control his behavior, his judgments become illogical and his ability to concentrate decreases tremendously. Alcohol does not let the brain properly control the manifestations of the body, as the central nervous system becomes damaged through the effects of alcohol essay of the nerve cells in the brain.
The cells cannot respond to the impulses and a group of body function failures appear: anesthesia, respiratory failure, coma and death. As alcohol destroys the central nervous system the drinker experiences impaired visual abilities, loss of pain perception, slow reactions, impaired motor skills, altered perception of time and space and many others. Conclusion: The consumption of alcohol beverages has strongly entered the tradition of celebration any significant events in the life of people. Anybody can hardly imagine celebrating Christmas or a birthday without a gulp of champagne. Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body Essay Paper But the reality is cruel… Therefore even small doses of alcohol can do harm to a the human body.
Most people do not understand the consequences alcohol abuse can have of their health nevertheless the abuse occurs primarily because people do not know the destructive power of alcohol. The consequences of the alcohol abuse do not decrease with time, though specific manifestations change when doses of drinking become smaller. These factors prevent people effects of alcohol essay proper social adaptation and therefore make their life incomplete. Social impracticability of people suffering from the alcohol abuse is one of major problems of the contemporary medical society.
And the only way to solve this problem is to prevent people from drinking alcohol in any amounts. Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body Essay Paper There is no cure a better than alcohol abstention! Effects of Alcohol on the Human Effects of alcohol essay Essay Paper Why is alcohol considered to be a destructive substance? Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body Essay Paper How does social drinking influence the alcohol habits of the society? What are the side effects of the alcohol effects of alcohol essay side effects? What major physical changes occur in the human body of an alcoholic? Thesis Statement: The contemporary medical world is very much concerned with the female alcohol abuse phenomenon and the appearance of a group of inclinations that both female and male abusers experience.
Introduction 2. Alcohol abuse and possible outcomes 3. Changes in the human organism a. Physical change b. Mental changes 4. Conclusion Introduction: Humanity has always yielded to the pressure of different chemical substances that eventually caused it irreparable damage. Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body Essay Paper 2. Changes in the human organism The changes that occur in the human organism for the reason of alcohol abuse are terrible. Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body Essay Paper 3, effects of alcohol essay. Physical changes Very often it is said that alcohol heavy drinkers look the same, effects of alcohol essay. Mental changes If a person constantly abuses alcohol it will eventually lead to a set of permanent transformations in the brain morphology.
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In Cameroon, the cost of a single beer is more than the minimum daily wage of most individuals Tamfuh, In India and Malaysia, alcoholics are faced with such serious challenges as debt, illnesses, and injuries Armitage et al. Exacerbation of poverty and burden on women is another common occurrence facing most alcoholics. A majority of alcoholic men are faced with the constant need to source for extra income through such activities as stealing to sustain their behavior of alcoholism. In the long-run, their families end up in unimaginable debts and suffering.
Here, the people that are most affected by alcoholism are the immediate family members. The situation can have a long lasting impact on children and partners, and is therefore a very serious one. For instance, heavy drinkers are known to have impaired judgment that can lead to them becoming violent Kaufmann et al. Such an individual might turn against their partner or children and when this happens, it could have far-reaching effects on the lives of spouses and children. The social impact of alcoholism can also be related to its physical effects. For example, for a heavily drinking mother, an unborn child may suffer from Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
After birth, parental drinking may lead to child abuse among other negative consequences on a child. The child may end up suffering socially, psychologically, and economically. There are numerous psychological effects of alcoholism. In the same breadth, alcohol has a negative impact on the brain, explained through a form of liver damage referred to as hepatic encephalopathy. It is a disease that affects the normal functioning of the brain when the liver cannot perform its functions well. There are several psychological effects associated with this disease. Some of these effects include altered sleep patterns, changes in mood and personality, depression, anxiety, and other psychiatric conditions Vilstrup et al.
There are also cognitive effects such as a reduction in attention and issues with coordination. Undoubtedly, alcoholism has an adverse impact on the financial, social, and psychological environment of the victim. The worst scenario is that alcoholism tends to affect others such as the immediate family members. It is a problem that has the potential to destroy families if not well checked. It can destroy the lives of children and as well interfere with the wellbeing of spouses of alcoholics. It is especially concerning that it is a problem that affects both men and women. In this respect, there is need to find ways through which the problem of alcoholism may be comprehensively addressed. Armitage, C. Completed suicides and self-harm in Malaysia: a systematic review. General hospital psychiatry , 37 2 , Kaufmann, V.
Alcohol consumption and partner violence among women entering substance use disorder treatment. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors , 28 2 , Tamfuh, W. Drugs and drug control in Cameroon. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Want us to write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience.
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